Sunday 6 July 2014

Half Glasgow Smile

I particularly enjoyed creating this effect, and learnt a lot in the process.

First I drew a very rough outline in eye liner, to help guide where the scarwax should go.

You can scrape up the scarwax with a tiny little spade if you want!

I tried to get as clean a line as possible. Scarwax is tricky as it melts on your fingers almost instantly and whatever you apply will try and attach itself back on to your fingers.

Next I applied a couple of layers of latex. Again, not an easy substance to use as it doesn't sit smoothly on the skin and sometimes peels at the edges. I had quite a bit of difficulty with this and ended up having to patch it up with more scarwax and latex. Perhaps scarwax is better in smaller quantities.

After some loose powder, I started on the makeup. The makeup was really the fun part, although I was mainly trying to disguise the latex as much as possible

Next time I think I will actually use black more sparingly, to have more emphasis on where the cut meets the mouth, to create more of an "open" look. 

As always, a little fake blood helps.

Only costs £1.99 

Was worth it just to peel off the latex at the end. Very satisfying as long as it's not caught in your hairs.


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