Tuesday 10 June 2014

Some activities and opportunities

It's been quieter than usual on my blog lately, but I thought i'd update it with some things I've been up to in case anyone's wondering!

A few weeks back I was involved in the 48 hour film project where i made a latex scar on an actress's arm. The main thing I learnt from that was to keep things simple; as I know now scar wax is a lot easier and quicker when you need an on-the-spot effect.

The next project was doing makeup for a music video for Elyssa Vulpes and the Betes Noires, which was based on a song written about Queen Victoria and her oppressing of physical contact.

Here's a link which takes you to the previous draft of the music video.


I believe they will use some parts of this version along with the new footage, as we ran out of time on the day of the shoot.

And this led to me being asked to help with a short film this weekend, starring one of the actresses in the music video, which apparently will have a 40s vibe about it.

I thought I'd have a crack at 40s style. I will need to go bold for it to show up properly on camera, and perhaps make sketches of various hairstyles to prepare, especially as I haven't met anyone else in the cast.

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