Monday 22 September 2014

Full Glasgow Grin

This is a little more OTT than the half glasgow smile before.

If you ever want to see me in an EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE light, please look no further.

First without any fake blood (Most of these are without flash as the flash on my camera makes the red grease paint look too bright and the fake blood pops out even more later on)

Again I used a similar method to last time, although I struggled more with the scarwax this time as it seemed to melt rather awkwardly. I also used a bit of black and purple shadow around the eyes.

Now here are a few pics after the fake blood was added. WARNING these get sexier and sexier as you scroll down.

 All set for Halloween. Or if I need to blend in with a gang of particularly violent zombies.


  1. My god, I thought this was real when I googled for an image. You makeup guys are really, truly amazing.
