Having watched a couple of youtube videos on this, I thought I'd have a go. In other videos people have recommended soap or pritstick glue, allowing layers to set then covering in layers of concealer and powder. I didn't have prittstick or a bar of soap, so I decided to try scarwax (pictured), which was ok but it doesn't really set it just melts further. Then I tried spirit gum which didn't flatten my brows, just made them rigid and looked messy.
Lost a few eyebrow hairs in the process but gained experiece in return which is what really matters.
So after my attempts failed, I decided to just try out some draggy makeup, with heavy contouring and black lipstick. These photos don't show up the sheer amount that was on my face at the time. I would have done it with a white foundation Sharon Needles style but my skin had already gone through enough for one day.