Another grossish one.
For anyone interested in how I did this: I put down a layer of spirit gum onto my forehead, let it partially dry. Then arranged wax into a long sausage shape (I had to roll it in sections because it melts really quickly on your hands and when it touches the skin). I spread out the edges into my skin, using a wee bit of moisturiser at the end to smooth everything, leaving a long thin mound.
I made the "cut" through the center of the wax using the edge of a pair of tweezers. After that I gently applied foundation, powder, grease paint in the cut, more powder.
For the stitches I took a long piece of black thread, tying it in many knots to form a ling line of knots. I had to anchor the thread around a pen so that the knots would go to the same place. Then i snipped them into stitches lengths, used tweezers to dip them in spirit gum and to place over the cut. All that was left was to add more bruising around the cut and of course some fake blood.