I'd like to repeat that the images below are perhaps not for the faint of heart as they involve creating artificial wounds.
It was surprisingly easy to create something gory looking with the use of liquid latex, toilet paper and a bit of makeup. However, the final result could have been better with some fake blood added, which I may try and learn to make myself in the future.
I first covered my arm in vaseline to help protect the hairs on my skin (I don't know if this actually worked as I managed to wax my arm whilst taking the wound off). Then I added a couple of layers of latex, drying until tacky in between. After that it was a case of building up layers using thin pieces of toilet paper and latex.
The picture above shows what I ended up with before the paint went on. I tried to go for an exposed inner-flesh kind of look, inspired by a tutorial I saw online - will try and find out which website that was.
Apologies again for the bad quality of the photograph, but here is an idea of what happened next. I used a mix of normal foundation and greaepaint for the base colour, then darkened with blue/black around the edges to suggest pooling of blood. I also added a bit of bruising and redness around the wound to make it look even sorer.
A lovely close up - the colour doesn't really show up here, and reveals the fact that I need to apply the latex more smoothly next time. However in this case, the bumps give it a bit of a "boil"-y look to it. I have a feeling next time the process will be more successful and more fun with the help of fake blood but for a first attempt I'm quite happy with the results the liquid latex produced.